Ramanavami Celebration

image of Rama, his wife, brothers and Hanuman
Event time: 
Saturday, April 13, 2019 - 2:00pm
Battell Chapel See map
400 College Street
New Haven, CT 06511

Join us for a very special celebration of Ramanavami - a puja, a devotional music workshop and concert by award-winning artists in Dhrupad music.

 Ramanavami celebrates the birth of Prince Rama, seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu, to Queen Kausalya and King Dasharatha of Ayodhya.  On this auspicious day we are delighted to include in this celebration a rare opportunity to learn about and see performed the oldest form of Hindustani devotional music, Dhrupad. This amazing opportunity evolved in partnership with the Yale South Asian Studies Council and Yale Institute for Sacred Music.

2:00 PM Battell Chapel: Ramanavami puja hosted by the Yale Hindu Students Organization. Please note that entry into the chapel will be via the Old Campus and Elm Street doors ONLY.

3:15 PM Battell Chapel: Dhrupad music workshop led by the Gundecha Brothers.

“The nature of Dhrupad music is spiritual. Seeking not to entertain, but to induce feelings of peace and contemplation in the listener. The word Dhrupad is derived from DHRUVA the steadfast evening star that moves through our galaxy and PADA meaning poetry. It is a form of devotional music that traces its origin to the ancient text of Sam Veda. The SAM VEDA was chanted with the help of melody and rhythm called Samgana. Gradually this developed into other vocal style called ‘Chhanda’ and ‘Prabandha’ with introduction of verse and meter. The fusion of these two elements led to the emergence of Dhrupad.” [Description from the Gundecha Brothers website]

*please note a different venue for the concert*

5:30 PM Luce Hall Auditorium: Gundecha Brothers in concert (see separate calendar listing)

These events are free and open to the public. There is an EventBrite registration for the concert.
