Hindu Students Organization

Mission Statement

The Yale Hindu Students Organization (HSO) is an undergraduate student organization aiming to foster an environment of Hindu spirituality through an open community of religious practice and cultural expression. We organize events throughout the year to promote an awareness of Hinduism within the Yale and New Haven community. Our events are meant to stimulate an exchange of ideas on religion, and are above all educational.

2024-2025 Board

Back, left to right: Parth Jain ES’28; Yash Wadwekar BF’26; Dinesh Bojja MC’26; Sohum Kapadia SY’25; Aadi Krishna GH’26; Dev Katyal TC’26; Rishi Shah BK’26. Front, left to right: Nana Bhambi SC’28; Maanasa Nandigam ES’25; Netra Easwaran GH’27; Meera Mishra PC’26  

Major Events

All of our activities are publicized through Yale Connect.

Pujas are held for major holy days; Saraswati pujas regularly occur at the beginning and end of each semester. Saraswati is the patron goddess of learning and Hindu students typically address prayers to Her at these times. On non-festival weeks cultural events such as the popular Chat, Chaat and Chai Study Breaks as well as cultural/spiritual discussions often take place in the Hindu Prayer Room.

Navratri Homa or Navratri Puja celebrates nine festival nights dedicated to worshiping the Goddess in her many forms. The Homa (Havan) is a fire ritual propitiating the Goddess as Durga for her blessings. 

Diwali Puja is an annual prayer and dinner event that celebrates Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights.  The program includes a pooja and a catered Indian dinner.  We have also in the past lighted sparklers on Beinecke plaza. The event is open to the Yale and local New Haven community.

Holi is an outdoor celebration of spring held on the last day of undergraduate classes in April. Rooted in Sri Krishna’s playful sporting with his friends and a celebration of spring we infuse the air with hundreds of pounds of colored powder. This is an exuberant end to the spring semester!