Meets 4 Tuesdays in February at 7:30 AM EST
Feb 2, 9, 16 & 23
Course Instructor: Robert Sankara Moses
Register here: http://cglink.me/r927002
There is clear scientific evidence that regulating the breath can quickly calm the mind and lead to sustained physiological wellbeing. James Nestor, author of the New York Times Best-Seller Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art argues that most of us are breathing incorrectly and that poor respiration is the underlying cause for many common health issues. In this course participants will learn some basic breathing exercises drawn from ancient yogic breathing techniques that are useful for reducing stress and anxiety. This is a short form of the course offered in Fall 2020. Repeat participants are welcome.
Robert Moses is a yogi with 45+ years of teaching experience and a deep understanding of the neurological processes associated with yogic breathing. His extended bio can be found here
The course material will be cumulative therefore please plan to attend all classes. Class recordings will be made and available for student practice. Participants are encouraged to refrain from eating a meal at least one hour prior to the class.
Sponsored by:
Hindu Life at Yale, Buddhist Life at Yale, Yale Divinity School, Being Well at Yale and the Asian American Cultural Center.
This course is free and open to the Yale Community, Yale Affiliates and Alumnae