Namaste Friends,
Please join Dr. Shipman for a Zoom conversation Wednesday evening.
Topic: How are you doing? We are all learning how to navigate this uncertain time…mostly ensconced at home. Suddenly home is where we work, study, create, connect and play. What adjustments have you made? What still needs tweaking? How are home and distance relationships going? What strategies are you using to cope?
Brew a cup of tea/coffee/hot chocolate and join the conversation.
Please email Dr. Shipman asha.shipman@yale.edu for a Zoom invitation and link.
Future gatherings will address the following topics:
Instilling calm - activities and aids to keep us serene in these uncertain times
Negotiating space - college students are home when they should be here! G&Ps, Post-docs, and some of ther rest of us are trying to work from home. How are you managing this?
Negotiating loss - we are all wishing things were normal, missing so much: the daily routines, friends, mentors, colleagues and the ability to just go where we want to.