Event time:
Wednesday, September 19, 2018 - 6:30pm
Hindu Prayer Room - Bingham Hall Lower Level via Entryway D
In observance of the UN’s International Day of Peace on September 21, join the Hindu Students Council in wishing for peace within ourselves and for the world. We will be learning and chanting a few short but powerful “shaanti mantras”, or Prayers for Peace. Afterward, we will eat kulfi together (cold, creamy, sweet Indian ice cream!) while discussing a verse or two from the Bhagavad Gita related to attaining peace and serenity.
No experience required with Sanskrit, chanting, or the Gita. We will be going through the mantras slowly, and programs will be provided in English with translation. The hope is to provide a peaceful, mindful study break as school work starts to build up around this time!
This event is free and open to all Yalies of any or no faith. All are welcome.