4 - 5 PM
In the hurried culture of Yale, it can be difficult to slow down and truly listen. Oftentimes, when listening to our friends, colleagues, or even our closest loved ones, we can become distracted, interrupt one another, jump to false conclusions, or rehearse what we are going to say while the other person is still talking. Doing so hinders the potential for collaborative learning and understanding which are key leadership skills. Several Hindu texts speak of Śravaṇa as a form of listening that is meditative and allows the mind to flow free of internal distractions while remaining attentive, open and receptive to the messages from the inner self as well as from those around us. To try to interrupt the tendency towards distracted listening, join Yale chaplains Rev. Jenny Peek and Dr. Asha Shipman to learn about Śravaṇa and practice the skill of deep listening.
This event is free and open to the Yale Community. Chai and light snacks will be available. Please arrive on time as this workshop involves paired interaction. Please register here at this link